Why Fundraise?

By participating in the Park2Park fun run, you'll enhance community healthcare now and for generations to come.

Your fundraising efforts will power innovative medical equipment, boost health promotion initiatives, and drive local research and innovation. Together, we'll make a tangible difference in ensuring the best possible healthcare for our community.

IHF’s Park2Park fun run is all about putting the FUN in FUNdraising!

While we encourage all the participants to have fun challenging themselves (or their mates!) with the 10 km or 5km runs, Park2Park is primarily about raising funds to support the health and wellbeing of our local community.

This is why we ask every event participant to give fundraising a go. Raising as little as $50 can go a long way when you are accompanied by thousands of other fundraisers!

PLUS, we have some awesome incentives for our fundraising champions.

Remember, running fast is good – raising funds is GREAT!

We understand that in can be hard to start your fundraising journey, so we’ve created some simple tips and tricks to inspire you and get you started!